fulltimestudent said '...My paradise - what more could I ask for?...'
Esse quam videri
JoinedPosts by Esse quam videri
Too Much Discontent in the Congregation Part 3
by Simon Templar innow, 80-85 years later, we are still here.
if i was to do the counsel with a brother who had this much experience, i would have just thanked him for doing the talk, and marked him good on the point.
this is a good way to get money though.
Esse quam videri
Sorry but it doesn't look like much of a paradise to me.
Australian Royal Commission Findings released
by Mephis inwill just post the general findings by counsel for the commission (angus stewart) - case specific ones are prior to them.
in short, absolutely damning.. not been through every submission myself yet.
available for download here: http://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/case-study/636f01a5-50db-4b59-a35e-a24ae07fb0ad/case-study-29,-july-2015,-sydney.aspx.
Esse quam videri
punkofnice said '...Stunning! Say no more, squire! Mr Jackson is a liar. Dr Applewhite ia a liar. the whole darn kit and kaboodle of the watchtower is a lie..'
the Watchtower's submission states on page 139
'...11.82 Counsel Assisting’s suggested finding F73:
F73 Dr Applewhite’s report is therefore rejected. For the reasons provided in paragraphs 9.400 to 9.401, the finding should read: Dr Applewhite’s report is therefore accepted ...'It appears as if someone 'just doesn't get it' !
Australian Royal Commission Findings released
by Mephis inwill just post the general findings by counsel for the commission (angus stewart) - case specific ones are prior to them.
in short, absolutely damning.. not been through every submission myself yet.
available for download here: http://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/case-study/636f01a5-50db-4b59-a35e-a24ae07fb0ad/case-study-29,-july-2015,-sydney.aspx.
Esse quam videri
WOW!!! -
I'm I the only one who finds peter Andre really creepy, cheesy and slimly?
by purrpurr inin the uk the bbc show strictly come dancing has this season been plagued by the greasy slime ball that is peter andre.. for those who are fortunate enough to not know who he is, he's a one hit wonder, married a model with extremely plastic front bits, now to be found on what ever z list tv programmes will have him, he advertises for the supermarket iceland which is where the chavs go to shop, he is extremely in love with himself oh and he was brought up a jw.. thankfully tonight common sense has prevailed and the stupid twat has been booted off the show!.
or does anyone else feel the same?.
btw can you tell... i really don't like him?
Esse quam videri
I never heard of this guy Peter Andre but after reading your post I don't like him either. Oh, and thanks for bringing this twat into my life. No idea how long it will take to forget him. -
More Silly Stuff from jw.org videos
by OnTheWayOut inthis is a facebook link and i just can't bring myself to dig into jw .
org and find it.there's no trick here, but i think you have to be logged in to see it.
if anyone could figure out how to repost this, that would be great.
Esse quam videri
'...now, just for the sake of argument, let us assume that Brother Russell, Brother Knorr, Brother Franz and every other Watchtower leader down to our present day, including all seven current members of the Governing Body were all complete knuckleheads ... it would be easy to understand why so many teachings and beliefs have been doctored, adjusted, manipulated, revised and removed...' -
More Silly Stuff from jw.org videos
by OnTheWayOut inthis is a facebook link and i just can't bring myself to dig into jw .
org and find it.there's no trick here, but i think you have to be logged in to see it.
if anyone could figure out how to repost this, that would be great.
Esse quam videri
Who writes crap like this? What knucklehead would offer this drivel in a public statement, worldwide and to millions of people.
Kenneth Flodin video - from 0:18
"... Brother Splane masterfully explained this generation with all it entailed. He did such a beautiful job, I'm not going to attempt to repeat it.
For many years we felt that this generation referred to the unfaithful Jews in the first century....and in the modern day fulfillment it was felt that Jesus was referring to the wicked generation that would see the features of the conclusion of the system of things.
That was likely because often times in the Bible when the word generation was used it was in a negative sense. There were qualifiers like 'wicked generation', 'twisted', 'adulterous', 'crooked' generation ... and so it was assumed that the generation that would by knows means pass away until the end came would also be the wicked generation of today.
However, that notion was adjusted in Feb 15, 2008 issue of the Watchtower. There it referenced Matt 24:32-33.[Reads and comments on Matt 24: 32-33.
In the April 15, 2010 issue of the Watchtower said of Jesus, He evidently meant that the lives of the annointed, who were on hand when the sign began to be evident in 1914 would overlap with the lives of other annointed ones who would see the start of the Great Tribulation.
To refresh your memory on our current understanding let's have Brother Splane explain that chart again that summarized the details of this generation."
[and the drivel continues.]
Any time you didn't know what the h#ll to do and just let it ride?
by Esse quam videri ini was conducting the theocratic ministry school years and years and years and years ago and announced the #3 speaker up to the platform.
this of course was the sister/sister talk at the table.
up comes the publisher, sister so-and-so and her 25 year old daughter as her householder.
Esse quam videri
Her daughter was not baptized.
" ...Sheesh " we said, " let's make sure that never happens again..."
What do you think should have happened afterwards?
Any time you didn't know what the h#ll to do and just let it ride?
by Esse quam videri ini was conducting the theocratic ministry school years and years and years and years ago and announced the #3 speaker up to the platform.
this of course was the sister/sister talk at the table.
up comes the publisher, sister so-and-so and her 25 year old daughter as her householder.
Esse quam videri
I was conducting the Theocratic Ministry School years and years and years and years ago and announced the #3 speaker up to the platform. This of course was the sister/sister talk at the table. Up comes the publisher, Sister So-and-So and her 25 year old daughter as her householder. Just one thing was a little strange. Her daughter was about 6 months pregnant and unmarried. It didn't know what the h#ll to do so I just let them proceed. That whole meeting is still a blur to me. -
Jehovah's Witnesses May Have Peaked in Membership at 8 Million (+/-)
by OnTheWayOut ini don't have all the details of their new "service year" numbers, but i have read enough on jwn to state my opinion pretty strongly.. memorial attendance for 2015 was down.while they kept saying they were going to build a bunch of new kingdom halls, and everybody is still in recovery from watchtower taking all the local money away, they say pretty much that there isn't enough money to build new kingdom halls.putting gb members on the videos at jw .
org has allowed people to really put a face and personality to these guys and remove the mystery of how they should be such deeply spiritual serious men.
instead they see silly thoughts about tight pants and, really everything that comes out of lett's mouth is delivered ultra-goofy, along with the money reports.. the gb lost credibility a little more with every new light that shone down, with the strangest one being "overlapping generation.
Esse quam videri
sir82 ' ... Number of baptisms declined for the 2nd year in a row....'
Perhaps the congregations are running out of 8 year olds.
Ollin Moyle Rutherford letter request
by Diogenesister inhi all, does anyone know of or has a link to rutherford's letter to ollin moyle.. i 'm just trying to sow some seeds of doubt as to whether boozerford could have had god's holy spirit.. thanks all x.
Esse quam videri